Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pre-Trip Orientation

Yesterday, all the students from U of N who are going abroad this summer gathered in the Joe to get vital information... HA. That was a joke. After passing out the PowerPoint presentation the presenter proceeded to read the damn thing again word for word as we went through. Boring! Everything I found out that night, I either read before in something else they sent out or was pretty common sense. For instance, take money with you, Debit cards can be used at ATMs, make sure to bring your meds, or the best one, only pack what you can carry... Before this, I was planning on bring cash for the entire summer with me, and bringing 10 suitcases full of crap that all my friends help me take to the airport...

It was however interesting to see all the people who will be going all over the world this break. I almost won a raffle prize by like two numbers TWICE! My loss, I will never have a USAC water bottle now... damn!

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